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Thank You

A very big thank you

To all of our individual and Corporate Members and sponsors. Your support is vital to us in making exciting and vibrant theatre opportunities happen in Plymouth.

Below is a compilation of our esteemed high-level individual members, a few of whom have opted to remain anonymous. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your invaluable support.


Mrs Yvonne Ashton

Mrs Patricia O’Brien

Mrs Lecia Foston

Dr Gill Markham

Mr Christopher Patrick

Mrs Anne Smith


Mrs Lauren Berry

Mrs Gill Boldon

Mr Michael Buckingham

Mrs Rachel Burston

Mrs Liz Clover

Mr Martin Collins

Mr Peter Cooper

Mr Ronen Day

Ms Sarah Gimblett

Mrs Sarah Drake

Mrs Jackie Edwards

Mr Barry Farley

Mrs Angela Foster

Mrs Maureen Gard

Mrs Joan E. Gilmour

Mrs Sarah Gore

Mr Philip Hart

Ms Sallie-Grace Hodge

Mr David Hooper

Mr Andy Ibbs

Mrs Frances Labrum

Mr John Lewis

Mrs Joan Lofts

Mrs Joan M. Lucas

Miss Sarah McCrorie

Mrs Claire Mead

Mrs Tracey Naismith

Mrs Jane Northover

Mrs Shela O’Connell

Mrs Louise Olliver

Mr Martin Perry

Mr Peter Phillips

Mr Paul Symons

Mr Greg C. Thomas

Mr Tim Trevarthen

Mrs Carolyn J. Varcoe

Ms Susan Whinyates

Mrs Claire Williams

Mr Ian Wren


Mr Nicholas Bean

Mr Ken Beattie

Mrs Gillian Bettison

Miss Gillian Black

Judith Blake

Mrs Brenda Bonner

Mrs Sandra Brehmer

Mrs Patricia Bridson

Gary Brooks

Mr Angus Brown

Ms Louise Bunn

Mr Adrian Buss

Sue Butt

Andy Cole

Miss Lara Cook

Mr Colin Curtis

Mr Andrew Dance

Ms Emily Dart

Miss Ann Ellis

Mr Paul Ellis

Miss Helen Farlow

Beverly Forster

Mrs Christine Frazer

Diana Friend

Mr Peter Gates

Lady Ann Gerken

Miss Emma Gerry

Mrs Phyllis Gibby

Mrs Frances Girling

Mr Stephen Hailey

Mr S Hamilton

Mrs Sue Harrison

Mr Michael Henry

Dr Rebecca Herbert

Mrs Sarah Hicks-Darnbrough

Mr Martin Hodgetts

Mrs Helen Hooper

Mr Barry & Mrs Suzanne Howell

Mr Tristan Hunkin

Mr Tim Hunt

Mrs Sara Johnston

David Jones

Mr Josh Kallis

Mrs M King

Mr Richard Lait

Miss Rebecca Lamble

Miss Gill Lavers

Mrs Jacqui Lyttle

Miss Helen Matuk

Mrs Shelley C. Mays

Mr Owen McKeown

Miss Imogen Monk

Mrs Ann Morley

Mr Philip Mussell

Mrs Samantha Napton

Mr Robert & Mrs Pat Nutbean

Dr T G M Perham

Mr S Perriam

Mr Thomas Peters

Mrs J Pierce-Jones

Mr Jeff Prior

Mrs Linda Putt

Mrs E Pybus

Dr John Rea

Mrs Lisa Richards

Mr Adam Richards

Miss Annabel Ross

Mr Peter Rowan

Mrs Jacqui Russell

Neil Russell

Mr Chris Saxby

Mrs Tina Scott

Mrs Samantha Scott

Ms Nicola Shelmerdine

Mrs Danielle Shirley

Mrs Sarah Short

Mr Stephen Shute

Mrs Pamela Sparks

Mrs Fay Steer

Mr Greg Stelmaszczyk

Mrs Theresa Stevens

Mr Michael & Mrs Barbara Storey

Mr Michael Sweetman

Mrs Frances Tagert

Mr Paul Thompson

Dr David Thrush

Mr Anthony Tibbles

Mrs Farrah Tillyer

Mr Paul Trewin

Linda Turner

Mr David Vernon

Mr Dave & Mrs Annwyn Vizard

Mrs Louise Walsh

Mr David Weaver

Mr Andrew Welch

Mr Colin Wells

Lady Jo White

Nicola Whiting

Mr Bill Wilkes

Dr S Wrigley