By: Rosie Sharman-Ward
A dazzling fusion of virtuoso contemporary dance, enigmatic soundscape and flowers, IMAGO leaves its audience as breathless as those performing.
Choreographed and performed by James Pett and Travis Clausen-Knight, IMAGO is a work of sweeping contrasts. The blank faces of the two men appear at odds with the hugely expressive choreography where every tiny stab of a finger tells as much story as the expansive synchronised movements that use every inch of the space available. A toxic confusion of a relationship rages and swirls in front of us. Oppositional and heated then chillingly bleak with flowers almost used as a weaponry, disguising the participants true emotions.
From the first step the stunning choreography holds me enthralled. Somehow merging immensely physical with fine and delicate, it is refreshingly different and danced with breath-taking skill. Dissonance, vulnerability and with the occasional merest hint of humour, the storytelling is sheer magic. The third “performer” in the show is the brilliant, brash electronic soundscape by James’s brother Sean Pett, loud and rhythmic it takes us to the very edge of tolerance before relief comes in the form of short piece by Vivaldi or Max Richter. The space is bathed in gentle colours, we can momentarily catch our breath before returning to the harsh light of the maelstrom.
The stark set comprising white pedestal plinths in the black space of the The Drum is matched by the black and white costumes and warmed only by the colours of flowers. As the narrative progresses the plinths are moved and used not only for flowers but as part of the dance landscape revealing the impeccable spatial awareness of the dancers.
In Entomology, the word IMAGO means the final and fully developed adult stage of an insect, typically winged, ready to fly. In Psychoanalysis it signifies an unconscious idealised mental image of someone, often a parent, which influences a person’s future behaviour. Both these definitions are represented in the narrative of the show. During the ebb and flow of the relationship we see moments when one seems about to leave. Disappointment, misunderstanding and hurt from the other’s destructive behaviours and attitude lead to vulnerability and confusion.
A quieter movement leaves us with some hope for the protagonists. With calmer music and lighting, kinder choreography. Then as they leave us behind in the space the light falls on two pale roses.
IMAGO is an intense rollercoaster for the senses. It challenges its audience to think and feel about themselves as it unfolds. I think it is a beautifully honed work, all aspects carefully considered and intelligent. I would happily watch it again!