Bursary places are available for young people for whom the cost of the Young Company & Tiny Tales would be a barrier to them accessing the sessions.
Please read through the terms and conditions carefully and complete the form below to help us respond to your request for a bursary placement.
All bursary applications will be reviewed at the same time 2 weeks before the start of each term.
If you require any assistance in filling out this form please contact a member of the Engagement and Learning team by emailing either youngcompany@theatreroyal.com
There are two kinds of bursaries - 50% discount or a free place on a Young Company course over the course of a 10 week term.
Young Company Terms and Conditions –
• There are a limited number of bursary available which will be allocated on a case by case basis before the start of each term.
• Bursaries are either at a 50% discount (half bursary) for those who are able to meet some of the cost but not the full cost of a course, or a free place for the term (full bursary) for those who are not able to meet any of the cost of the course.
• Both are valid for the one term- email the team at the end of the term if you wish to continue receiving a bursary and the team will let you know if this is possible for another term. This means every term you’ll need to check in with the team/ complete the booking process
• Bursaries are offered on the condition that the participant does not miss more than 3 sessions a term. Further absences will result in us reviewing your place.YOUNG COMPANY & TINY TALES BURSARY APPLICATION FORM