The Artist Development offer consists of three strands of work, intrinsically linked to The Lab

Development funds and programming opportunities
R&D – Funding opportunities for companies and artists to research and develop new work.
Programming – We will support and publicly present emerging work from across Plymouth and the wider region in The Lab, with a set financial guarantee.

Free opportunities for artists to connect with each other, access rehearsal space, attend workshops and engage with the art across our stages
Gatherings – Quarterly events for artists to discover community and forge creative collaborations, with each other, TRP and other regional venues.
Space Race – Rehearsal space at our Production and Learning Centre, TR2. To apply for Space Race, please download the application form here, and send a returned copy to TR2Reception@theatreroyal.com.
Masterclasses – A series of workshops to develop creative practice delivered by TRP staff.
Behind the Scenes – Insights into the rehearsal process.
Open Class – A monthly space for dancers to move, connect and revive.

TRP are proud to be working with industry partners on several development and touring opportunities
- Paines Plough – Tour The Writer
- Pleasance Theatre – National Edinburgh Pleasance Partnership
- Projekt Europa – Projekt Elevate
- Beyond Face – We Are Here To Share
TRP will continue to build relationships with world class visiting companies who will bring their own artistic development projects to the city:
- Dance Consortium
- Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures
- Birmingham Royal Ballet
The Artist Development programme
Information on development funds
Free opportunities to connect with other artists
How to engage with art across our stages
Access to rehearsal space
How to connect with leading industry partners