Spring Term Dates
Week commencing 09.01.24 to
Week ending 18.03.24
Excluding half term: w/c 13.02.24
Fire up your imaginations and discover the world of performance & theatre-making with our Young Company 5-7s.
Designed to be a safe space for 5-7 year olds to explore their creativity through imaginative play & storytelling. Working with professional theatre practitioners, children will develop their early performance skills and learn core rehearsal techniques.
Children will grow in confidence through learning, making new friends and creating work as a team. A perfect introduction to performing for our youngest theatre-makers. Our sessions are imaginative, challenging, creative & fun!
Important information
£70 for a term
Running time:
1 hour 30 mins
Age guideline:
5 - 7 yrs
Location: TR2, Rehearsal Room 02
Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes you can run around in.
Bursary places are available for young people for whom the cost of the Young Company & Tiny Tales would be a barrier to them accessing the sessions. Please read through the terms and conditions carefully and complete the form below to help us respond to your request for a bursary placement. All bursary applications will be reviewed at the same time 2 weeks before the start of each term. If you require any assistance in filling out this form please contact a member of the Engagement and Learning team by emailing either youngcompany@theatreroyal.com There are two kinds of bursaries - 50% discount or a free place on a Young Company course over the course of a 10 week term. Young Company Terms and Conditions – • There are a limited number of bursary available which will be allocated on a case by case basis before the start of each term. • Bursaries are either at a 50% discount (half bursary) for those who are able to meet some of the cost but not the full cost of a course, or a free place for the term (full bursary) for those who are not able to meet any of the cost of the course. • Both are valid for the one term- email the team at the end of the term if you wish to continue receiving a bursary and the team will let you know if this is possible for another term. This means every term you’ll need to check in with the team/ complete the booking process • Bursaries are offered on the condition that the participant does not miss more than 3 sessions a term. Further absences will result in us reviewing your place.